Activate Staffing
Hire for Skill—or Attitude? – February

It’s an age-old dilemma: Do you hire for skill or attitude? Mark Murphy, author of Hiring for Attitude, says that attitude is a top predictor of a new hire’s success or failure. Why is that? Because technical skills, while important, are much easier to assess than attitude. Virtually every job has tests that can assess…

Activate Staffing
See the Top 5 Job Perks – February

There’s a reason why #joblove is a popular hashtag on social media. We spend a lot of our time at work, and more and more it’s becoming apparent to employers that job perks, big or small, are what’s keeping employees loyal, engaged and happy while on the job. According to a survey by Employee Benefit…

Activate Staffing
Job Seekers: Is Now a Good Time to Search? – January

New year, new career? You’ve heard it from lots of people, “Wait until the New Year to search for a new job.” With company parties, bonuses and the overall craziness of the holiday season, it’s understandable why most people prefer to wait until January to job hunt, but is this the best time to be…

Activate Staffing
New Year, New Needs – January

It’s a New Year, and you may find yourself in the position to refine your team roster. The beginning of the year is a great time to re-align your company and departmental goals, and a productive staff plays a huge part in making these goals come to life. It may be that budgets have been…

Activate Staffing
Start 2015 Off Right – January

The holidays have come and gone, and we were all thankful for time spent with loved ones, reflecting on a very busy and productive 2014. Now, moving forward in 2015, we are focused on what we do best: serving you as the hands on insurance staffing and recruiting company. What does that mean? Well, with…

Activate Staffing
Job Seekers: Take Note of Your Accomplishments in 2014

Documenting the skills you’ve acquired or things you’ve accomplished can improve your resume, not to mention boost your ego. From defining what qualifies as an accomplishment to how to communicate your skills, here’s what you need to know to put your best foot forward in 2015: What qualifies as an accomplishment? An accomplishment is an…

Activate Staffing
End-of-Year Reflection: How It Benefits Your Business

Whether your fiscal year ends with the calendar year or at another date, it is powerful to review and reflect on the previous year. Here are some things for you or your team to consider before embarking on new challenges in 2015: Start with the good stuff: List 5 things that you’ve done well in…

Activate Staffing
Mastering Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is an often-elusive byproduct of career nirvana that everyone seems to be pursuing, but few achieve. While striving for that next raise, promotion or dream job, you may be putting everything else on hold. Or, you trade advancement for a comfortable position that allows you the flexibility you need. But, does it have…

Activate Staffing
The Inside Edge: How to Dress for Success

First Impressions CountWhen you are interviewing for a position, first impressions make a difference. You’ve got to dress the part to get the job. Eye contact, a firm handshake and a put-together appearance will make you stand out. A suit or professional dress are staples for men and women. Guys – Go ahead and wear…