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End-of-Year Reflection: How It Benefits Your Business

Activate Staffing

End-of-Year Reflection: How It Benefits Your Business

Whether your fiscal year ends with the calendar year or at another date, it is powerful to review and reflect on the previous year. Here are some things for you or your team to consider before embarking on new challenges in 2015:

  1. Start with the good stuff: List 5 things that you’ve done well in 2014, and why they worked. If these include work performed by certain employees or team members, let them know! Recognition is a reward in itself.
  2. Identify challenges: Write down the 3 most challenging situations you encountered in the past year, how you overcame them and what you learned. Were there employees that were instrumental in helping or hindering these challenges? Take note, and address staffing needs accordingly.
  3. What’s your company’s BHAG? A BHAG is a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. James Collins and Jerry Porras proposed the term, and it’s a way to define a single medium-long term goal that your entire organization can focus on. Get team buy-in on your BHAG for the best outcome.
  4. How did your budget measure up? It’s good to see how closely your stuck to budget, where there were differences and how that impacts the next year. Are there opportunities for growth? See how your staffing plan matches your salary allotments.
  5. Navigating change: In order to make improvements year over year, you must identify opportunities for change, and implement strategies to bring this about. If your team is feeling overworked, see if you can add staff, even on a part-time or temporary basis, to help empower the existing workforce to do their best.

Let us know if you have opportunities for growth.

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